Wednesday, 5 September 2012

WOYWW #170

Gosh I'm really late today, well probably because I don't have much on my desk at this present moment. I'm interested middle of hallway after having a cupboard put in, so crafting taken a bit of a back seat.

I do however plan to start, very soon, my next tag challenge over at Dragons Dream challenge blog, see my blinking at side if you fancy taking part, that and also my lovely furry friends over at the house of bears run a fab challenge too, based on books,haves wee looky.

Anyway, here is my desk, a tag that I started from excess ink overspray from the Journal page, open in top corner. My daylightcraft lamp and small RUB boxes still waiting to be rehomed on a shelf somewhere. also I got some crazy shape bubble wrap which I sprayed and did a trial stamp, love the shape, will be using that soon.

Thanks for looking, I'll transfer get around as many of you that end in the same number as myself and those who comment on here, I may take a few days though with my painting etc.

Happy WOYWW.


  1. Fab colours on your pages, plus images. Have a good one. Francesca #111

  2. Looks like some fun inky stuff going on! :)

  3. A very creative desk Cath. Good luck with the painting too. Hugs Rita xx 123

  4. We love the crazy bubble wrap effect. Happy new cupboard too

  5. Hi Cath -thanks for stopping by ! I don't really understand the follower thingie & what it does so I tend to put blogs I like on my blog list manually - bit technically challenged me !!
    Hope the painting goes well - and you still some energy left for the more artist sort of painting in your journal too ! Looking forward to seeing your entry for the Bears Challenge ! Ali #57

  6. Nice tidy desk, love the colours you are using. Don't use all your energy painting :):)

    Toni #118

  7. You are so lucky having a day light lamp, that's something I've always wanted. I can only paint during the day, drives me crazy. Love that journal page, the colours are so nice. I've been looking at those inks, still waiting for them to come on sale :)
    Have a great week.
    Von #58

  8. Like the colours on your workdesk and the dancing scene!
    Thanks for popping by and leaving a comment.
    Happy belated WOYWW BarbaraBee # 148

  9. Love your pages, looks interesting. Loving the images. Hope the painting goes well. Take care Zo xx 98

  10. Love your artsy work! Hey, my bedroom needs painting when you're finished in that hallway. ;-) #49

  11. Looks like some great inking and masking going on here, in your crafty workspace. TFS.
    hugs{brenda} xx #147

  12. Lots of creativity. Love the journal

